The Longest Day
208 miles in one Day

(Last updated: Thu. Sep 24, 2009)

The Longest Day, Aches and pains

Aches, pains and sores

I'm not a doctor so don't look for medical advice here! I can only tell you what I've done for the minor aches, pains and sores I've gotten. Usually I just ride through them with nothing more than a pain reliever. For any open wounds make sure you keep it clean. If it continues to bleed then stitches are needed. Stomach problems are tougher to treat. So far I've not been successful. If you get diarrhea or nausea then get off the bike. Do not try to finish the ride unless you only have a few more miles to go. You can do a whole lot of damage to your internals when you dehydrate.

  • For mild muscle aches and pains take aspirin or another pain reliever. I tend to take something within the last 25 miles as I know that once I'm off the bike I'll start to stiffen up and get sore.
  • Road rash or a scab in the wrong spot? Try neosporine, I find that neosporine keeps the area soft. When cyclist fall they tend to scrape areas that need to move.
  • Saddle sores, Remember to keep the area clean. What I like to use on rough sores is diaper rash creme. It keeps the raw area from stinging and it acts as a lube. I use it in addition to chamois creme not instead of it. This won't solve those pimples that can develop. To minimize saddle sores try not to slide around on your seat so much. I don't know what to do once you've gotten the sores. I just ride though it (Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory ... lasts forever.).
  • Mild hemorrhoids, keep the area clean with anti-septic wipes and then a small dab of hemorrhoids creme. If it swells too much or you get blood, get off the bike. I don't think cold water is a good idea as it's not really swelling. Soaking in a warm bath seems to reduce them (when you're off the bike of course :-). Avoid sitting on cold steel or cold concrete. My father was an Iron Worker and he told me that both made them worse.
  • Hands go numb, try moving your hands to other positions on your handle bars at regular time intervals. You can even so a superman stretch by putting the palms of your hands on the hoods of your brakes. Use as much of the handle bar as you can that's what it's there for.
  • Numb or burning feet, loosing the straps/laces or try moving your clips fore or aft of their current position. You could be hitting a nerve in your foot and putting it to sleep. On the Longest Day a little loose is a good thing.
  • Numb nuts (sorry ladies), point your saddle down more or get one of those saddles with the cut outs. I use a Brooks saddle (no cut out) and it's pointed abruptly down. Probably not recommended but I'm comfortable with the setup.
  • Sore shoulders and neck, either bring up the nose of your saddle or add push ups and neck exercises to your exercise plan. Since my saddle points nose down, my shoulders and neck take the brunt of the force.
  • Muscle pulls, while riding you can either ride through the pain, but at a lesser pace or get off the bike. I've ridden through them but I'm not sure that was the wisest idea. Spinning an easier gear may help some but you will tire in a different way.
  • On a ride of this length your butt may feel numb or tired. One way 'to get the blood flowing again' is to simply stand up. If you are in a pace line wait until you get to the back of the line or when you are falling to the back of the line. When you stand up the bike will suddenly shift backward several inches and you could overlap wheels with the folks behind you (VERY BAD!).